Mediterranean Regional Group of the IFOAM
Coordinates the activities of IFOAM-member organizations in the Mediterranean Region.
The 8th General Assembly of IFOAM AgriBioMediterraneo
Τhe 8th General Assembly (GA) of IFOAM AgriBioMediterraneo ( IFOAM ABM) will be held on 19/10/2017 in Greece at 15.30, first call, and in case of not achieving quorum a second call of the GA will be at 16.00 a) through internet or b) through physical...
Adopt the organic 3.0 and be part of the holistic, challenging, sustainable and updated organic future
During the event will be presented the new holistic approach on the organic sector, the “Organic 3.0, its importance and the meaning of its implementation worldwide, in a European level, in the Mediterranean Region and in different countries and...
IFOAM AgriBioMediterraneo, Organic Action Network Italia and SANA present: 3rd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE
[pdf-embedder url=""]
The European regulatory framework on organic aquaculture
[pdf-embedder url="" title="EB_The European regulatory framework on organic aquaculture_22DEC2016_ABM lm..."]
When: 19 October 2017
Where: Athens, Greece
8th IFOAM AgriBioMediterraneo General Assembly
When: 19 October 2017
Where: Athens, Greece
Workshop: “Organic 3.0: an innovative and holistic approach offering new challenges and opportunities for the Mediterranean and the World”
When: 11 September 2017
Where: Bologna, Italy
IFOAM AgriBioMediterraneo, Organic Action Network Italia and SANA present: 3rd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE
Who we are
IFOAM AgriBioMediterraneo (ABM) is an official Regional Group of the International Federation of Organic Agricultural Movement (IFOAM). IFOAM ABM coordinates the activities of IFOAM-member organizations in the Mediterranean Region.

Provide an organic Mediterranean model which will be sustainable and viable for people and for agricultural and environmental ecosystems.
Enforce the food and livestock production and support the promotion of the quality and the trade value of products and services